St Anthonys Catholic School PM (Afternoon)
If you have any issues or feedback regarding any of these services, please don't hesitate to let us know via our Contact Page.
The following services all apply for this school.
Devil Bus - to Legana
SERVICING: Departing St Anthony's, Riverside Primary School, Riverside High School, to Legana Subdivisions.
3.05pm St Anthony’s School (turning circle), 3.15pm Riverside Primary School (Cleghorn Avenue), 3.20pm Riverside High School (turning circle), 3.25pm Launceston Christian School (opposite the school on West Tamar Highway) travels via West Tamar Highway to Legana turns right into Fulton Street then travels via Bullman Drive, Alawoona Street, Wongarra Avenue, Myall Street, terminating at St Clair Road
Please note: Students eligible for free travel are advised to obtain a Greencard. The Greencard must be current and shown to the driver each trip or the full student fare will be charged. Please refer to the School Fares section in this website.
No Route Map provided.
No Timetable PDF provided.
Platypus Bus - to Grindelwald and Acropolis Drive
SERVICING: Services all Riverside Schools to Acropolis Drive, Kavala Street and Grindelwald
Departs St Anthonys school grounds 3.05pm to Riverside Primary School 3.10pm Students transfer to the Possum bus then Riverside High School 3.20pm where students transfer to all West Tamar Buses then travels to Launceston Christian School (on Western side of West Tamar Highway) 3.25pm travels via West Tamar Highway to Acropolis Drive. The vehicle then turns north from Acropolis Drive onto Kavala Street, East onto Bridgenorth Road and then travels North on West Tamar Highway to Grindelwald via Atkinsons Road and the whole of Alpine Cresent, the service ceases at corner of Apline Cresent and Waldhorn Drive at approximately 4.05pm.
This bus services Acropolis Drive, Kavala Street, Atkinsons Road and Grindelwald only (does not pickup or drop off in Legana).
Please note: Students eligible for free travel are advised to obtain a Greencard. The Greencard must be current and shown to the driver each trip or the full student fare will be charged. Please refer to the School Fares section in this website.
No Route Map provided.
No Timetable PDF provided.
West Tamar Rural Link/ Linking Riverside Schools to the West Tamar
SERVICING: St Anthony's (and any school children on route) to Exeter Primary School linking to buses travelling the West Tamar from Exeter Schools
Departs St Anthony's 2.50pm, direct to Exeter Schools for students to transfer to all West Tamar area buses at 3:15pm.
This service is for students from Riverside requiring services to the West Tamar area. All buses at Exeter school wait for this bus to arrive before departing therefore if you live in the area serviced by the Exeter school buses you can get home from school on this early service.
This is a fare paying service.
Please note: Students eligible for free travel are advised to obtain a Greencard. The Greencard must be current and shown to the driver each trip or the full student fare will be charged. Please refer to the School Fares section in this website.
No Route Map provided.
No Timetable PDF provided.
Possum Bus - to Legana
SERVICING: Riverside Primary School 3.15pm, Launceston Christian School to all of Legana.
Students from St Anthonys catch to Platypus bus from school to Riverside Primary School and transfer to this bus Departs Riverside Primary 3.15pm travels to Launceston Christian School 3.25pm, drops opposite Tamar Island Wetlands (just north of) 3.28pm, 617 West Tamar Highway (opposite Scott's Motorcycles) 3.32pm, travel via Bindaree Road 3.35pm, Jetty Road, Beach Road, all of Nobelius Drive, Freshwater Point Road and finishes at the Legana Shopping Centre 3.45pm .
This bus from the Primary school will make sure it delivers children home after the Koala bus to make sure children from the same family have the elder child to their bus stop
Please note: Students eligible for free travel are advised to obtain a Greencard. The Greencard must be current and shown to the driver each trip or the full student fare will be charged. Please refer to the School Fares section in this website.
No Route Map provided.
No Timetable PDF provided.