West Tamar Rural Link PM (Riverside Schools to Exeter School and all West Tamar areas)
St Anthony's (and any school children on route) to Exeter Schools' linking to buses travelling to the West Tamar from.
Additional Route Info:
Departs St Anthony’s at 2:50pm, direct to Exeter Schools for students to transfer to all West Tamar area buses at 3:15pm.
This service is for students from Riverside requiring services to the West Tamar area. All buses at Exeter schools’ wait for this bus to arrive before departing, therefore if you live in the area serviced by the Exeter school buses you can get home from school on this early service.
This is a fare paying service.
Please note: Students eligible for free travel are advised to obtain a Greencard. The Greencard must be current and shown to the driver each trip or the full student fare will be charged. Please refer to the School Fares section in this website.